MRT logoMaterial React Table

Welcome To
Material React TableV1

Now in Beta!

Built with Material UIV5 and TanStack TableV8

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Quickly create high-quality React data tables with Material Design

npm i material-react-table @mui/material @mui/icons-material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
High-quality and performant modern table features with a minimal amount of effort
High-quality and performant modern table features with a minimal amount of effort
Great defaults, with customization treated as a top priority
Great defaults, with customization treated as a top priority
Easy to opt out of features or UI that you don't need
Easy to opt out of features or UI that you don't need
Efficient bundle size ( < 37kb minzipped, including dependencies)
Efficient bundle size ( < 37kb minzipped, including dependencies)

<MaterialReactTable />
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Let's Compare

Free or Licensed
Bundle Size
Material React TableFree MIT
38 KB38
Built on top of TanStack Table V8 and Material UI V5, Material React Table (MRT) is a batteries-included React table library that attempts to provide all the table features you need while trying to stay as highly performant and lightweight as possible. Customization is treated as a top priority to let you override any styles you need to change. Initially built in 2022, so it is still somewhat new.
TanStack Table (React Table)Free MIT
13 KB13
TanStack Table (formerly React Table) is a lightweight Headless UI library for building powerful tables and datagrids. No CSS or components included. You use logic from the useReactTable hook to build your own table components. No batteries included, but you get total control of your markup and styles (Material React Table is built on top of TanStack Table).
Material TableFree MIT
185 KB185
Material Table is a once-popular Material UI table library originally built in 2018 for creating MUI tables that includes tons of features. However, it has a very large bundle size and contains outdated and insecure dependencies. It is mostly unmaintained now but did recently release a version that was somewhat compatible with Material UI V5.
MUI DatatablesFree MIT
95 KB95
MUI Datatables is a solid Material UI-based table library that was originally built in 2017. It has a lot of features and is very customizable. However, it is not as lightweight as MRT and has a lot of dependencies. The library appears to still be kept up to date occasionally. Some of the UI layouts in MUI Datatables served as inspiration for Material React Table.
MUI X Data Grid MIT/Pro/PremiumMIT or Paid License
110 KB110
MUI X Data Grid MIT/Pro/Premium is one of the best Material UI Data Grid options available and it comes directly from MUI. It includes the full suite of features you may need but requires a paid license for many of the advanced features.
AG Grid Community/EnterpriseMIT or Paid License
260 KB260
AG Grid Community/Enterprise is arguably the best table library of all time, but many of the advanced features require an expensive paid license. It appears to have a very large bundle size, although this is a bit misleading because it is tree-shakable and includes a lot of the UI components in the bundle. It is not built on top of Material UI, but it does follow Material Design, so it is definitely relevant to this comparison.

Feature Comparison

Material React Table
Material Table
Material UI X
Click to copy
Column Action Dropdown
Column Hiding
Column Ordering (DnD)
Column Pinning (Freezing)
Column Resizing
Column Spanning⚠️
Column Virtualization⚠️
Column/Row Grouping and Aggregation
Custom Icons
Customize Toolbars⚠️
Data Editing
Density Toggle
Detail Panels
Expanding Rows (Tree Data)
Export to CSV⚠️
Filter Modes
Fullscreen Mode
Global Filtering Search
Header Groups and Footers
Localization (i18n)
Manage your own state⚠️
Row Action Buttons
Row Numbers
Row Ordering (DnD)
Row Selection
SSR Compatibility⚠️

*If you see any inaccuracies in this table, PRs are welcome!

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